Friday, 10 August 2012
In a recent weekly I went through an article on “the unrest among youngsters”. In a progressing country like India, our leaders / educationists should note it and handle it seriously. Depression is a worst emotional status in one's life.
How well we are able to balance our emotions in our life, does not surely depends on the situation / circumstances but depends on how well we are able to take the tough situations mentally.
When we have some problem in our health, we consult our family doctor. Doctor cures us with tablets and medicines. Our body / health becomes alright. It is a common scene we see at every home. Thank God, someone is there to cure our health and we start our duties again.
But, if we feel bad/sad, on anyone's death, failing in the Exams, for getting low marks in Tests, for a broken relationship, a quarrel or misunderstanding at home, any of our close person becomes sick ..... there are several reasons for becoming mentally ill.
Any one of these will force us to go under depression. Generally people don’t even realise they are under depression, unless somebody notices. During this time, we cannot even eat our food properly or in time. Even if we take, we won't digest it. This will bring more problems to our health.
This is what is depression and do we need our children to suffer from this? We should not let them, at any cost.
The one way our ancestors followed to beat depression was by going to temples and worshipping the Gods. The same we do today. God is certainly not teaching and advising anything to us in temples to be calm and cool. But, to mould and motivate ourselves in such a powerful place, we go there. Wherever you do dhyana, the place becomes highly a powerful one with aura. Thus, people get some peace, because we go to temples and worshipping places to do dhyana (meditation) and today, throughout the world, even in Western Countries, people started to practice dhyana. This is the only method through which you can beat the stress or depression. This is the best way to get positive energy and channel away the negative energy in our life.
Whether you wish to go to Temple or mountain, dhyana is important. Especially in this fast world, you have to practice this great Indian Art Dhyana to understand the situation and people in a right way to take a better decisions. Comparing to anything, our health is the utmost important. Health is Wealth, somewhere, someone at sometime said this.
Our Indian History reveals our ancestors / Saints practice this great Art Of Dhyana for lakhs of years. Without Dhyana, men will turn into wild animals. Even animals do dhyana.
There are separate Centres for Dhyana globally today. Lakhs of Teachers teach the Dhyana to crores of people and irrespective of their differences, the outcome is good.
Let us teach Dhyana to our youngsters today in India. It is certain our children / youngsters will see the new world. Let the depression not kill us, spoil our lives. The body and mind are given by the God. Ours is like a Temple. Dhyana is God. Through this simple way of practicing Dhyana, let us come over the depression and stress.
Let us start meditating today. What the Westerners are proudly following ours, we too shall start to respect our own old and the golden culture.