Sanathkumar Foundation
Village Adoption
our connection with Vattugampatti & Thalavapalli
In rural India, people living in remote villages still find it very difficult to send their children to school for better education as they do not have access to proper roads and conveyance and have no financial support. One such small village is Vattugamapatti where agriculture is the main source of income of the villagers. As most of them are poor, they are unable to send their children to schools; and they are also unaware of the value of education. We decided to adopt this village, which is 7 km away from our School and are able to provide good education and lifestyle to them.
Periodic surveys are conducted regularly, and the results show how healthy and energetic the villagers are, while lacking exposure to the contemporary lifestyle. Students and teachers voluntarily participate in various activities leading to the development of the village. Short dramas and musicals are enacted by students in the local language (Tamil), expressing the ill-effects of female infanticide, importance of education especially for girls, etc. Their grievances like not having a proper roads, regular buses, proper electricity and other problems are submitted to the Collector's office as a petition from students.
On the other hand, while helping the village people there is a lot to learn from their lives, mainly agriculture. We keep taking lessons from them about organic farming.