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Sanathkumar Foundation

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Writer's picture: Sanathkumar C.D.Sanathkumar C.D.

Monday, 15 October 2012

It was my dream to start a Happy Home (for the needy people), I don’t like to call it this is Old Age Home. I sincerely feel it gives more negative impact on society if we call it as Old Age Home. Nowadays people think Home means only for deserted people and for the people who are thrown away from their homes from their children. It is a wrong concept I honestly think.

With the idea of starting a Happy Home, I wanted to visit a few Homes in Chennai and its suburbs. I and my wife had been to a few Homes last week. It was a wonderful experience for us. Majority of the inmates were women, aged 50 plus. Most of them in the Homes, were very active; cleaning, watering the plants, cutting vegetables, cooking, serving others, watching TV, playing indoor games, chatting and so on, keeping everyone engaged happily. I felt like I was in a marriage function. Very few were taking rest; one Smt.Bageerathi has dedicated her life towards this Home. She was working in Indian Bank; got VRS a few years ago and settled here for full time service. She is one of the Trustees who started this Home. Without expecting anything from anyone, serving for many is an unimaginable one in anybody’s life. People like her, are the wonders of the world, it is my wholehearted feeling.

Smt.Bageerathi spent lot of time for us at Home; she explained about their activities enthusiastically. Meanwhile she called many of her inmates and introduced them to us. All the inmates were very happily enjoying their time and they are all very well treated by the Management, I could easily understand. They all requested us to have lunch with them, which they themselves prepared. It was a very happy moment for us to have lunch with them. Very affectionately they served; it was a tasty and healthy food too; it was not a simple lunch, really a grand one.

They have all recreations; the Management is taking them for outing often; a beautiful temple is constructed in the campus; a bhajan hall, a separate dining hall, play grounds, well furnished rooms, bath rooms, toilets; there is a separate ward for sick people. Doctors are regularly visiting these Homes; a set of trained attendants are there permanently to look after the health of inmates.

These Homes are well built. Some Homes are completely free and many Homes are paid; I see, for the Paid Homes there is a long queue than the Free Homes. It was a very touching moment when we visited Vishranthi, another Home at Tiruvanmiyur, run by Smt. Savithri Vaithy; she only coined the word “Mudhior Illam” (Old Age Home) in 1970, first time in India; we could meet her there in the campus. She is the real legend, I can say. For people like her, the Padma Awards should be given and encouraged. This great women visits hospitals, take the unclaimed bodies to the burial ground and does all the final rituals by herself. She does not bother about the society or customs. Whatever she feels right she does. I was astonished and humbled before her.

She gave us a cup of tea with affection. By appreciating her work, many great people like Kanchi Acharya, Simpson Sivasilam, AVM family members visited this Home. Apart from these two, we visited some other Homes also.

I felt that I had visited a great place in my life after visiting these Homes. This visit to Chennai has energised me more; got into action immediately; discussed with like minded friends; visited some areas between Krishnagiri and Hosur; a beautiful place of 2.5 acres selected and advance also paid. Everything happened within a week.

Regarding Homes, there is a general feeling among people; please note, these Homes are not exactly for the people who are not cared by their children; in a changed world, even parents won’t like to be with their children; they too, at this age, want to lead an independent life. They have their own money, their own property and their own income. What is wrong in thinking to lead an independent life, at least for some time ? Absolutely there is no wrong in their thinking. Even I know some good hearted people who are really looking after their parents very well; how they treat their small children, they treat their parents also in the same way, I am here proud to say; my very big family with more than 200 members, is itself a proud example, in Krishnagiri and across the world.

But Homes like this are the need of the hour in India, it is my strong feeling. Parents are left alone in India when their children are leaving for US or UK. I see it has become a common scene in almost every family around us. Children are ready to spend any decent amount for their parents’ safety and stay. Most of the parents don’t want to go along with their children to other countries; they want to stay back in India.

I also have seen in some houses, the parents don’t get any interaction with their children and grand children; all are busy; the old aged parents left out even at their homes without any company. A father says to his son, “see my dear son, please don’t think that I am here with you only for food and shelter; I need some company; you, your wife and children should spend some time for us, we don’t want any sympathy from you, only empathy”. It is the general feeling today among almost all the elders in many houses. In this situation you can’t blame their children also; all are very busy; no one has time to spare with the old age parents. You can’t blame anyone. The Homes are coming handy in these circumstances; these Homes are specialists on this concept. They give all the encouragements / medical treatment / recreation / time to spend spiritually / good and timely food / always engaged / moving with the same aged people….. so many advantages in Homes.

A Happy Home nearby Krishnagiri will be ready within a year by Bhagwan’s grace, with our sincere effort and your wishes to help the society. Any good suggestions, pl mail me to:


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